
Addressing the real problem: Through muscle regeneration, graphene-polymer matrix lowers risk of rotator cuff retear injuries

By Lisa McDonald / August 23, 2022

Most rotator cuff repair procedures focus on the tendon, but the real problem is that the muscle degenerates and accumulates fat. University of Connecticut School of Medicine researchers led by ACerS Fellow Cato Laurencin developed a graphene-polymer matrix that induces a reversal of muscle degeneration, thereby greatly lowering the risk of rotator cuff retear injuries.

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Digital light processing allows for design of fine-featured bioceramic scaffolds

By Lisa McDonald / August 12, 2022

Digital light processing is one of the most promising additive manufacturing technologies for preparing ceramic scaffolds with complicated fine features. Three recent studies by several groups in China explore the use of this technique to fabricate bioceramic scaffolds for medical applications.

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Boron nitride nanosheets show promise as antibacterial drugs

By Guest Contributor / June 24, 2022

Some materials being investigated for use as antimicrobial agents face the limitation that they cannot tell the difference between bacteria and mammalian cells. Researchers led by Soochow University found boron nitride nanosheets do not face this limitation.

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Porosity-based heterojunctions may offer efficient and safer optoelectronic implants

By Lisa McDonald / June 14, 2022

The miniaturization of implantable medical devices is necessitating development of alternative energy systems. Researchers at the University of Chicago created porosity-based silicon heterojunctions that offer an efficient and safer way to perform optoelectronic modulation of tissues.

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A sweet demonstration: Ceria helps make miniaturized implantable glucose fuel cells possible

By Guest Contributor / June 10, 2022

Glucose fuel cells allow for significant volumetric scale-down of implantable devices because they do not physically store energy like batteries. However, cells that use polymer-based electrolytes face some limitations. Researchers from MIT and the Technical University of Munich developed glucose fuel cells using a ceramic membrane that overcome these limitations.

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Inorganic materials as disinfectants—new glass and clay-based samples demonstrate broad virus inactivation

By Lisa McDonald / February 15, 2022

Disinfectants based on inorganic materials have gained much attention recently due to setbacks with organic-based disinfectants. Researchers in Spain investigated the ability of a soda-lime glass and nanoparticle-embedded clay to inactive different types of viruses.

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Heartening advancements—researchers explore potential of inhalable particles to treat cardiovascular diseases

By Lisa McDonald / January 18, 2022

Inhalable medicine offers several advantages over injections. Researchers in Italy explored the development of inhalable drug-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles for treating myocardial cells in the heart.

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Effects of coffee and whitening systems on lithium disilicate glass-ceramics

By Lisa McDonald / December 10, 2021

Some all-ceramic dental crowns are relatively new to the marketplace, and researchers are still learning what factors affect the performance of these crowns in the long term. Researchers in Saudi Arabia investigated the effect of a coffee beverage and two whitening systems on the surface roughness and gloss of glazed lithium disilicate glass-ceramics.

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Beyond soft tissue—researchers investigate effect of low-level laser therapy on osseointegration of implants in rats

By Lisa McDonald / November 12, 2021

Low-level laser therapy is typically used to treat soft tissue injuries and diseases. Researchers in Brazil and Ecuador explored the potential of the technique to treat bone defects instead, specifically by improving osseointegration of implants in brown rats.

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Speeding detection of disease—three groups present novel sensors for COVID-19 diagnosis

By Lisa McDonald / November 9, 2021

Barriers to commercialization are not stopping scientists from developing new and improved methods for rapid testing of COVID-19. In today’s CTT, we look at three recent studies furthering research in this area.

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