Eileen De Guire

Solid job growth expected for engineers

By Eileen De Guire / June 15, 2011

Relative job growth trends for engineers from Indeed.com. The Indeed.com search engine searches openings at thousands of job sites. Credit: Indeed.com The Society for Automotive Engineers just released a survey-based…

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The Energy Race and the search for commodity catalyst materials

By Eileen De Guire / June 14, 2011

Illustration of the way the electronic configuration of metal ions can control the activity of metal oxides for oxygen reduction, varying it by a factor of at least 10,000 times.…

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Tunable mechanical properties in nanoscale porous gold

By Eileen De Guire / June 13, 2011

SEM of nanoporous gold structure. Credit: Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. Several recent, unrelated posts have been about materials with nanoscale porosity (diamond aerogels, chalcogenide PCMM). Here is another…

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Follow up: Chalcogenide phase-change memory materials for high-speed, low-power data storage

By Eileen De Guire / June 9, 2011

I’ve received some follow-up information from Gang Chen, whose work on phase-change memory chalcogenide materials I wrote about earlier this week. He provided some numbers that illustrate the potential for…

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IAEA releases preliminary report on Fukushima nuclear accident

By Eileen De Guire / June 8, 2011

Satellite image of tsunami-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Credit: Digital Globe; Wikipedia. Last week the UN International Atomic Energy Agency released a preliminary report from its fact finding mission…

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Chalcogenide phase-change memory materials for high-speed, low-power data storage

By Eileen De Guire / June 6, 2011

Ohio University graduate student, Chandrasiri Ihalawela discusses his work on telluride-base phase change memory materials with SVRNL’s Kevin Fox. Last week the University of California, San Diego announced that a…

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DOE co-sponsors webinar on fuel cell technologies June 9

By Eileen De Guire / June 6, 2011

Those interested in the fuel cell segment of the nation’s renewable energy portfolio may be interested in this announcement from the DOE. The webinar is co-sponsored by Clean Energy States…

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Rubber match – dandelions could hold trump card

By Eileen De Guire / June 3, 2011

It’s Friday, which means many of us will be mowing grass, grooming our gardens, and conducting physical or chemical warfare against dandelions. Before you start thinking unkind thoughts about the…

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Making photovoltaic solar cells that last

By Eileen De Guire / June 1, 2011

Solar concentration mirror for PV energy generation. Credit: Replex Plastics. Yesterday, the DOE announced $27 million in new funding for projects aimed at reducing the non-hardware costs of solar energy…

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Transformed aerogels: From amorphous carbon to nanocrystalline diamond

By Eileen De Guire / June 1, 2011

Laser-heated diamond anvil cell allows very large hydrostatic pressure to be applied to amorphous carbon aerogels. Cavity dimensions are approximately 100–170 μm wide by 35 μm thick. Credit: LLNL. While…

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