
Pervious concrete swallows 400 gallons

By / November 3, 2009

Pervious concrete

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Video of the Week: Sneak peak at Nissan’s Leaf

By / October 29, 2009

There has been a lot of discussion on this site regarding Nissan’s new all electric vehicle, the Leaf. This promotional video highlights the lithium-ion battery pack, and other cool features…

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Monday materials music

By / October 26, 2009

Finally, NASA gets some props. International Space Station baby!

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Video of the week: Ultracapacitor buses in Shanghai

By / October 21, 2009

Following up on yesterday’s post about a demonstration of a small version of these buses that going on today in Washington, DC, here is a video that explains some of…

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Video of the week: ‘Bridge-in-a-backpack’ construction

By / October 14, 2009

As discussed in Ann’s post from yesterday, this video shows the building of the Neal Bridge in Pittsfield, Maine, and illustrates the glass-carbon fiber–concrete tube technology pioneered by the University…

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Monday materials music

By / October 12, 2009

A hat tip to The Great Beyond. Pharyngulia says this is promotional video for the Australian research organization CSIRO. I don’t know if that means CSIRO initiated it, or if…

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Video of the week – LANL’s high-temperature superconducting tape

By / October 7, 2009

Los Alamos National Lab has been working to develop high-volume production processes for making a thin, flexible tape that operates as a superconductor at liquid hydrogen nitrogen temperatures and can…

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Video of the week: Aeroclay research at Case Western

By / September 30, 2009

We first wrote about the aerogel work of David Schiraldi’s group at CWRU back in June. Now the school and university have produced a great little video about basic steps…

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Monday materials music

By / September 28, 2009

A new video from composer John Boswell: “A musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present: A Glorious Dawn – Cosmos…

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Cutting PV costs, Part 2: Process improvements vs. science breakthroughs

By / September 24, 2009

Yesterday we posted a Technology Review video interview with Emanuel Sachs (1366 Technologies’ chief technology officer and professor of mechanical engineering at MIT) in which he and Craig Lund (1366’s…

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