
Individual Carbon Atoms in Motion

By / April 9, 2009

This video is no more, or less, than watching for the first time, in real-time, individual carbon atoms being knocked off the edges of a hole in a sheet of graphene while other atoms break and recreate bonds as they shift around in response, looking for the most stable position.

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Video of the week – Putting a wrapper on nanotubes increases luminescence

By / April 8, 2009

A team from UConn’s Nanomaterials Optoelectronics Lab at the Institute of Materials Science has discovered a nifty way to increase the photoluminescence of single-walled carbon nanotubes by wrapping the tubes…

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Video of the week – The sight of individual carbon atoms in motion

By / April 1, 2009

[flash /ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/moving_carbon_atoms.flv mode=1 f={image=/ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/moving_carbon_atoms.jpg}] This is a brief video. Maybe I am overwhelmed by this because of my chemistry background, but in my opinion, this video documents what truly should…

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Video of the week – Electrospinning

By / March 25, 2009

In light of the previous post on the creation of platinum nanowires (as a low-cost fuel cell catalyst) via electrospinning, we stitched together an animation and several demonstrations of electrospinning…

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New MACS fills appetite for fast, accurate spectroscopy

By / March 19, 2009

NIST and Johns Hopkins University researchers have unveiled a new speedy and sensitive probe that may prove to be a godsend for nano scientists and related businesses. The NIST-JHU team…

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Video of the week: Improved Outer Tactical Vest

By / March 18, 2009

One of the most prevelant forms of ceramic armor currently in use by the United States military is the IOTV. It went into large-scale use by the Marines in 2007…

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Oobleckpalooza bonus video of the week: Oobleck explained, sorta

By / March 18, 2009

The staff at Science Friday, too, senses the masses growing interest in all things oobleck and is shamelessly trying to ignore this blogs leadership efforts and elbow us out of…

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MS&T conference to feature new symposium on materials and electric/magnetic fields

By / March 12, 2009

In recent years, the Materials Science & Technology conference has become the broadest materials-oriented meeting in the United States. The 2009 MS&T conference – to be held Oct. 25-29 in…

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Argonne National Laboratory’s Advanced Photon Source

By / March 11, 2009

In a post earlier this week, I made reference to materials analysis assistance provided by ANL’s Advanced Photon Source facility. This video, created by the lab, provides a nice overview…

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Video of the week: Piezo precision motion devices

By / March 4, 2009

This week’s video is a demonstration-“tutorial” about one type of application of piezoelectric technology: a piezo-driven motion system developed by NanoMotion, a Israel-based division of Johnson Electric. This video is…

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