
New DOE loans for renewable energy and grid projects

By / July 30, 2009

Yesterday, the DOE announced that it plans to offer up to $30 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy projects and $750 million for grid projects (presumably for Smart Grid…

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Anticipation . . .

By / July 30, 2009

If you’ve ever had a pregnancy in the family, you know that the first two trimesters go by relatively quickly, but the last trimester seems to take forever. Days crawl…

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Little speaks out on GE’s energy

By / July 22, 2009

MIT’s online Technology Review has posted an interesting interview with Mark Little, GE’s director of research, on a number of energy-related topics. He reveals some interesting thoughts on GE’s plan…

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Nano center produces jobs, growth for Albany

By / July 20, 2009

Seems to be good news, so other cities are starting to take notice. From the Utica Observer-Dispatch: To understand the potential for the new nanotechnology initiative at SUNYIT in Marcy,…

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But then quantum computing losers a big funder . . .

By / July 18, 2009

Some times it’s one step forward and one step back. Apparently IARPA is now yanking its stake in NIST quantum computing research.

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Smart Grid funds closer to flowing

By / July 2, 2009

Back in April, Ceramic Tech Weekly reported that the Obama administration had plans to invest a little under $4 billion for Smart Grid projects, but was still trying to work…

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U.S. still ambivalent on nuclear power

By / June 30, 2009

The dangers of Poneman-style closed-door meetings on nuclear energy policy are clear: People are still nervous about this stuff. The latest evidence is a new poll from Sacred Heart University…

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Poneman still a problem

By / June 29, 2009

Back in April I posted about concerns I had about the Obama administration appointment of Daniel B. Poneman as deputy secretary for the DOE. Just to recap, Poneman isn’t a…

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UPDATED: Over $800 million allocated for state energy programs

By / June 29, 2009

UPDATE: Funds are rolling in daily under the ARRA Act. For the most recent facts and figures, check out the DOE’s website. The Obama administration has recently awarded over $400…

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Ceradyne nabs $7 million armor order

By / May 21, 2009

Ceradyne announced today that it was the recipient of a $7.3 million Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts. This is good news for the company since it is a hard revenue…

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