
Video: (Don’t) hold the phone—radar sensors could replace touch-screen technology

By Lisa McDonald / August 7, 2019

Since 2015, Google has been developing radar sensors that will allow hands-free phone operation. Google plans to put the technology into practice with the release of the Pixel 4 this fall.

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Will 5G hinder weather forecasts?

By Lisa McDonald / August 2, 2019

As mobile carriers push ahead with plans to release 5G networks, NOAA, NASA, and other parts of the scientific community warn that frequencies currently planned for use in 5G could interfere with weather forecasting.

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Video: ‘Hammer’ home the difference between liquid glass and tempered glass screen protectors

By Lisa McDonald / July 17, 2019

When it comes to smartphone screen protectors, you can choose between plastic, glass—and liquid glass. See how liquid glass screen protectors compare to tempered glass and uncovered screens when put through a few DIY scratch tests.

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High-performing ceramic for power-hungry AI

By Jonathon Foreman / June 7, 2019

In the premiere volume of the International Journal of Ceramic Engineering and Science, Japanese researchers review their work on an advanced ceramic semiconductor that could reduce power consumption of devices that use artificial intelligence.

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Breakthroughs with boron nitride could enable more efficient electronics

By April Gocha / June 4, 2019

Recent research may enable integration of boron nitride into next-gen electronics. Researchers have proven boron nitride’s high thermal conductivity and integrated the material into a flexible yet efficient nanocomposite.

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Improving Li-ion battery safety—Oxide ceramic films could replace polymeric separators

By Lisa McDonald / May 31, 2019

Researchers from Donghua University in Shangai showed separators made from oxide ceramic films could improve the safety of lithium-ion batteries, which tend to catch on fire when their polymeric separators fail.

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Color-tunable gallium nitride LEDs may light the future

By April Gocha / May 24, 2019

By controlling the emission states of europium ions in doped gallium nitride, scientists found they can emit various colors of light from a single LED.

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Direct-writing additive manufacturing of lead-free piezoelectric parts

By Jonathon Foreman / April 26, 2019

As additive manufacturing techniques become increasingly sophisticated, they offer a way to effectively construct specialized electronic devices. Two recent papers describe different direct-writing AM methods for constructing lead-free piezoelectric parts.

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Robot uses capacitive sensors in soft hands to separate recyclable materials

By April Gocha / April 23, 2019

Researchers at MIT developed a robot that can effectively separate mixed recyclable materials, using two flexible silicone “hands” to feel the difference between paper, metal, and plastic.

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Shorting out? Multilayer ceramic capacitor shortage limits consumer electronic availability

By April Gocha / April 16, 2019

The market for multilayer ceramic capacitors is ballooning with the rise of connected devices in our homes, automobiles, and pockets—but supply is not keeping pace with demand.

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