This travel fund recognizes the special bond of knowledge, trust, and growth between a teacher (“Guru“) and a student (“Chela“), benefitting both. Among the many examples of such special bond within the GOMD, the relationship between the late Professor Alfred R. Cooper and students Arun Varshneya and Prabhat Gupta can be recalled with fondness. This relationship transcends into the newer generation with Varshneya being the guru and John Mauro and Vijay Jain being the chelas. By awarding travel grants, this fund seeks to encourage TWO technical presentations by the guru and the chela, individually and/or jointly, at a GOMD meeting which demonstrate commitment of thought beyond their educational and research interaction.
A current teacher and student in a higher education or research institution with research on glass science and engineering or related field are eligible for the travel grant to attend the GOMD Meeting. Both need to have an accepted abstract to the year’s GOMD meeting. The teacher can broadly be an instructor, thesis advisor, or research supervisor. The student can be an undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral researcher. Two separate presentations, both oral, are needed with one of which being presented by the student and the other by the professor/advisor.
The awardees receive a combined travel grant of $1000, a certificate, and complimentary registration for both awardees to attend the GOMD meeting. The awardees are invited to join the awardee recognition during the GOMD banquet.
Nomination package should include:
- GOMD meeting submitted abstracts
- Nominees’ latest CVs
- Description of the teacher-student mentoring history
There is no specific nomination form for this fund.
Nominations should be sent electronically by January 21 to:
Michelle Korwin-Edson
2024–2025 Chair, Glass & Optical Materials Division
and ACerS Staff Member Vicki Evans