The Southern California Section held a meeting on Friday, January 19, 2024, where they welcomed ACerS President Rajendra K. Bordia. President Bordia shared a presentation, discussing his plans for the society. At the meeting, new officers were elected to two-year terms: Ryan McCarty, Chair; Ellen Heian, Secretary; and Hasti Vahidi, Treasurer. Three student speakers also shared about their research:

Hasti Vahidi: “Phase Transformations Enhance the Electronic Conductivity of High Entropy Oxides”

Jessica Granger-Jones: “Sol Gel Chemistry: Synthesis of Ceramics for Nuclear Applications”

Ezra Sarmiento: “Biomineralization of Wear Resistant Iron Oxide-Based Composites in Mollusk Teeth”

At the conclusion of the meeting, the section members enjoyed dinner and lab tours to round out the evening.


Vicki Evans

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