[flash https://ceramics.org/ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/linda_jones.flv mode=1 f={image=/ceramictechtoday/wp-content/video/linda_jones.jpg}]

ACerS Fellow Linda Jones is the Hewlett Professor of Engineering at Smith College. Through much of her career, Jones has focused on how materials behave when exposed to oxygen and other gases under conditions of high temperatures and high levels of vibrations, such as might be found on the leading-edge surfaces of the Space Shuttle. Jones, who is director of Smith’s Picker Engineering Program, explains how oxidation occurs and how ceramics can behave differently than glass. She also discusses how this area of work requires combining the insights from both thermodynamics and kinetics to develop corrosion- and oxidation-resistant materials.

6 minutes.

CTT Categories

  • Aeronautics & Space
  • Glass
  • Material Innovations