Does your research project need funding? Money may be available through the 2009 Technology Innovation Program, sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST invites you to submit a “white paper” pitching your project.  Here’s how: Who is eligible? Small- or medium-sized businesses or joint ventures involving a private-sector firm coupled with an institution of higher learning, a nonprofit research organization or a national lab. What kinds of projects will NIST fund? While proposals on any topic will be accepted, NIST is particularly interested in funding high-risk, high reward research projects in seven specific areas. How should white papers be written? Papers should state the national problem your research addresses and also explain how your project will:

1) Stimulate the nation’s scientific frontiers.

2) Meet a timely need not met by others.

3) Deliver the potential for impact and transformation.

Papers should not exceed 10 pages nor address proprietary information. Obtain complete details in “A Guide for Preparing and Submitting White Papers on Areas of Critical National Need.” What is the deadline for submitting proposals? There are two deadlines: May 11 and July 13. How should proposals be submitted? Papers should be submitted via mail or email. 1) If submitting by mail – send three copies of your white paper to: NIST Technology Innovation Program; 100 Bureau Drive – Mail Stop 4750; Gaithersburg, Md. 20899-4750. 2) If submitting by email – send an electronic version of the paper to: Who can answer questions? Contact Thomas Wiggins (301-975-5416) or Richard Spivack (301-975-5063). How much money is available? NIST’s TIP program will provide cost-shared awards up to 50 percent of a project’s total cost, with these stipulations:

1) Single-firm project awards – will be limited to no more than $3 million for three years.

2) Joint venture projects – will be limited to no more than $9 million for five years.

Complete program details are described in the Dec. 16, 2008 Federal Register and are also available on NIST’s website.

CTT Categories

  • Construction
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Energy
  • Material Innovations
  • Nanomaterials
  • Transportation